How to say an email address in English - ESOL Vocabulary lesson

In this English lesson we learn how to say an email address in English. We start by looking at the basic symbols of an email ... the @ symbol and the dot. We then look at the two main parts of an email: username and domain name. What is a top-level domain? We learn about five of the original top-level domains: .com .org .edu .gov .net and how to pronounce them correctly. Then we look at how to say country top-level domain names by giving email examples using them. We also see how some email addresses have more than one dot in their domain name. The next section is how to say a email username in English. We look at common forms types of usernames including first names and surnames and how they are might be divided by different symbols such as the dot, the underscore, or the dash / the hyphen. We show how to pronounce these symbols in an email address. Finally we give an example of an email address that includes all of the symbols we have seen in this lesson. With this information you can now pronounce any e
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