Scientific evidence: Earth Magnetic Pole Reversal is Now! Solution exists in the Revealed Book
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The video presents scientific evidence for the impending reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles based on the research of various scientists (Vogt D., Bubenko V.V., Kopylov I.P., Bushuev V.V., Petrov N.V., Davidson B., Baturin A.M., Hartmut G., Hemming S.) and current facts about increasing and unpredictable solar activity, the exacerbation of climate change, and natural disasters. The video also features D. Vogt’s studies of the texts of the Torah and the Bible, where the scientist analyzed encrypted codes warning humanity about a 12,000-year cycle. Both scientific and religious facts tell us that the world is in the final phase of the current cycle and that the planet is preparing for the upcoming magnetic pole reversal.
The video also discusses the prophecy from the fifth chapter of the “Book of Revelation,” which mentions the revelation of a book in the last days that no one “in heaven, on earth, or under the earth” could open or unseal until that time. The video goes on to talk about this book and its contents - “the seven lampstands“, which were depicted in ancient engravings as seven candlesticks, seven candles and seven stars. The opened book contains a message from above to humanity that the last times have come and that it’s necessary to unite to stop wars, conflicts, and disasters and to create the “fulcrum -mechanism“ that will prevent a global catastrophe resulting from the Earth’s magnetic pole reversal and allow us to transition into a new cycle.
0:00 - The Earth’s magnetic field has already weakened by 10-15% over the past 150 years. The Earth’s northern magnetic pole is moving towards the Russian Arctic coast and is accelerating year by year. While in 2019 the rate of displacement was 45 kilometres per year, in 2022 it was 70-90 kilometres per year.
The media reassures the public that the pole reversal will not occur for another thousand years and that solar storms will only produce fascinating auroras and at most cause mild discomfort. They claim that the true cause of global warming and the increase in CO2 levels lies in human activities. However, it is time to sound a real alarm: Solar activity is exceeding scientists’ expectations, and natural disasters continue to increase.
0:48 - Research findings by Douglas Vogt, a member of the Geological Society of America, and other scientists who independently determined the cyclicity of the pole shift and experimentally identified the causes. These causes are associated with solar activity and other accompanying processes (increase in CO2 levels, global warming, extreme temperature fluctuations, increase in volcanic activity, winds and hurricanes, melting glaciers and thus rising sea levels, shifting magnetic poles, and weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field). We are now living at the end of a 24,000-year cycle. Douglas Vogt, who studied the codes and events of the Torah and the Old Testament, found that they reflect two final cycles of 12,068 years and calculated the exact date of the next cycle - October 16, 2046.
4:33 - The last book of the Bible - the “Book of Revelation“ (chapter 5) - not only warns of the events leading up to Judgment Day, the coming of the Messenger, and the end of the world. It contains important information for the end time in the form of an open book with seven lampstands, telling people what to do in the last days, how to prevent the end of the world, and how to transition into a new cycle without catastrophes, wars, and destruction.
5:08 - Report by Douglas Vogt on the results of his scientific discoveries (recorded in 2022). On the situation in science, education, and politics in various countries, including the USA, on the disinformation of the public to prevent panic, etc.
28:25 – About the mystery of seven golden lampstands from the Apocalypse and details from the predicted Book revealed at the end times.
32:20 - The secret of the Muslim octagonal symbol Rub-el-Hizb and the secret of the Kaaba in Mecca, which can at least provide people with free energy from the ether.
33:37 - The disclosure of the technology of the “fulcrum- mechanism,“ which makes it possible to prevent the impending pole shift of the Earth.
35:32 - The message of the revealed book to humanity to purify consciousness from illusions, to unite, and to take action.
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