Urban Exploring S7 Brewery Cellar Cave in Minnesota Pt1

Footage from 2017, not the best, the GoPro was on my chest not the best place for it, but Pt2 will be much better. This brewery cellar was dug in the late 1800s and is now showing its age, a lot of the sandstone ceiling has collapsed up to the limestone. The amazing thing is the brickwork throughout the cellar. Some of the brick pillars were built to support the building above. My exploring started back in 1985. I started doing research to find places (Abandonment’s, Drains, Caves and so on) so as to not just find them, but learn every detail I could before infiltrating, NOT Breaking and Entering. Last thing I want is to get hurt, busted or killed.... I WILL ’NOT’ DIVULGE ANY WHEREABOUTS OF ANY PLACE. Urban Exploring is dangerous and in some cases illegal. Do not attempt to repeat the actions you see in this video. The most important thing is to get permission before exploring any private property. Be Safe.
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