Hare Krishna sankirtana. Dedicated to Srila Prabhupada and devotees of Harinam Sankirtana
How we lived fighting
Как жили мы борясь.
Клип посвящается Шриле Прабхупаде и преданным Харинама санкиртаны.
Слова исправлены: Патри прабху, Ананда Вардхана Свами.
Исполняет бхакта Евгений (Литва)
Звукооператор: Раса Говинда дас
Видеомонтаж: Максим Тихомиров
So I’m standing at the edge of life
I’m calling Krishna - this moment is beautiful
And if you do agree with me, my friend
Give your life for eternal life....
How we lived fighting
And praying sincerely,
It’s how from now on you and I will live ...
Please call Krishna In the sky above
And in the silence of the mountains,
Call Krishna in the sea and in the fire!
Years ahead of us with you
But every moment let this maha mantra sound,
it is the source of all love, goodness and light,
And so we walk through life with sankirtana ..
How we lived fighting
And praying sincerely,
It’s how from now on you and I will live ...
Please call Krishna In the sky above