Specials - Scenes At The Garden Party Aka Cea Conference (1937)

Full title reads: “SCENES AT THE GARDEN PARTY - . Conference, Harrogate, Produced by the courtesy of Mr A. Dent, by the Leeds branch, . Commentary compiled by J. Prendergast (unclear).“ Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Various shots of the guests at the CEA (Cinematography Exhibitors Association) Conference in Harrogate having a garden party. Camera pans along the tables and people while voiceover introduces some of the guests. Mayor of Harrogate and his wife are among the guests. Guests are seated at tables, chatting, smiling into camera. Fashion show is organised for the guests. Pretty girls walking around modelling various outfits - mainly coats and jackets. Guests watching the fashion show. Several top shots of the party. Nice close up shot of a bar - glasses and bottles are seen lined up on wooden surface. Pan along the chefs and waiting staff smiling to the camera. More footage of the guests having fun. CEA President, Mr Charles Metcalfe smiling to the camera. There is no mention of this
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