PAINTING Buddha in the Ocean of Blood

Buddha in the Ocean of Blood. Art by Tatiana Basova, acrylic painting, 1 meter wide. WEB-PAGE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: Take a look at my prints & paintings! Links above. Inspired by “Samurai. Legend“ by A. R. Basov: “Little by little, he felt the hunger and thirst subside. The pain that had consumed his body disappeared. Engrossed in prayer, his soul shook off the strict confines of his exhausted body and he became mesmerized by a colossal, terrible vision- a gigantic Buddha towering like a mountain above the endless sea of the blood of those who had perished and were born in all of the worlds: everything was born of blood and then turned into blood upon dying. The ocean was limitless and alive; its red depths boiled and seethed as it swelled into more blood and devoured itself. The enormous bloody waves kept challenging the skies as they poured over Buddha, trying to devour him, too. But for some unfathoma
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