Basic Meditation Techniques:
This involves sitting in a comfortable position and using your breath as a point of focus. If you find yourself distracted by other thoughts or find your mind wandering, gently redirect your focus back toward your breaths.
STEP 1: Get into a Comfortable Position. Ensure that your posture is correct.
STEP 2: Close Your Eyes Gently: Look into the distance with a soft gaze, then slowly lower your lids. Keep your jaw slack and slightly open as well. You want to relax all of your facial muscles.
STEP 3: Put Thoughts Aside: While you can’t control your thoughts, you can control how much power they have over you. This doesn’t mean you should ignore or suppress them, but simply remain calm, note them, and then use your breathing to bring you back to the moment. Learning to do this during your meditation practice can help you to let things go in the rest of your life as well.
STEP 4: Keep Going... That’s it, really! Keep putting aside any thoughts that may pop into your mind. The quiet spaces between thoughts will become longer and more frequent the longer you practice.
(For more information on meditation, please visit our website
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Music Credit: (No Copyright)
Song 1: Lost At Sea
Artist: The Tribe
Song 2: Timeless
Artist: Neutrin05
Timeless by Neutrin05
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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