Sepultura - BEST OF
00:00 - Arise
03:16 - Lobotomy
07:06 - Territory
11:12 - Beneath The Remains
16:23 - Refuse/Resist
19:20 - Dead Embryonic Cells
22:22 - Inner Self
27:29 - Dead Embryonic Cells (Cont)
28:52 - Attitude
32:37 - Propaganda
35:37 - Desperate Cry
41:51 - Polícia
43:21 - Slave New World
45:01 - Ratamahatta
47:46 - Slave New World (Cont)
48:41 - Slaves Of Pain
52:38 - Biotech Is Godzilla
54:29 - Roots Bloody Roots
57:56 - Kaiowas