The 8 Primordial Gods of Chaos Who Created the Universe
Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video, we’re going to discuss the Ogdoad, the group of 8 primordial gods who embody the qualities of chaos in Egyptian mythology - a group of 8 self-created gods so ancient they existed for years uncounted before creation even began.
We’re going to begin with the Waters of Nun and at how the ancient Egyptians conceptualized the universe. Then we’re going to discuss the Ogdoad: where they came from, who they were, and what their purpose was. And finally, we’re going to wrap up by taking a quick look at the complementary nature of different creation myths in Ancient Egyptian mythology
Alright, let’s get into it.
The Waters of Nun, also known as the Primordial Waters, are a fundamental concept in ancient Egyptian cosmology, referring to the formless, chaotic, and boundless expanse of water that existed before creation. In ancient Egyptian beliefs, the universe emerged from this watery abyss, with the primeval mound, or Benben, risi
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