Game of Thrones: Tyrion’s Speech at The Battle of Blackwater

THIS VIDEO MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. THIS INCLUDES COMMENTS. So read the comments at your own risk and if you do read the comments then please be careful what you read. It sounds silly but the Game of Thrones series is already partly ruined for me due to YouTube comments! This is series 2, episode 9 of the HBO’s series, Game of Thrones. It’s an adaption of the A Song of Ice and Fire books made by George R. R. Martin. This book is entitled “A Clash of Kings“. DESCRIPTION This is Tyrion’s speech during the siege of King’s Landing by Lord Stannis. King Joffrey Baratheon had took refuge in the Red Keep and the troops had lost morale and it was up to the hand of the king, Tyrion Lannister to save the day.
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