Cat vibing to funky videogame music for 2 minutes straight
Cats are funky. Videogame music is funky.
Here’s a compilation of some short Funky Videogame Music remixes I’ve been posting on Twitter and sometimes featuring in my “Music Producer Reacts to Videogame Music“ videos.
-------- ▼TRACKLIST▼-------
00:00 - Yakuza 0 - Bakamitai
00:18 - Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - Bury The Light
00:34 - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure - Giorno’s Theme
00:49 - Nintendo GameCube Startup Logo
01:06 - Bloodborne - Ludwig, the Holy Blade
01:21 - Final Fantasy VIII - The Man With The Ma
2 weeks ago 00:01:16 2
Cozy Cat Family Life 🏡🐱 Warm & Wholesome Anthropomorphic Cats in a Peaceful Home #cutecats