The Bow And Arrow Knot - FitzMagic Show - 308 OF 365

In today’s episode of The FitzMagic Show I do a quick late night magic trick. Today’s “Trick of The Day“ starts at - 0:20 Please subscribe to my channel to stay up to date if you have not already! What is the FitzMagic Show? It’s a daily Vlog that features the performance of a new trick each day. But, it’s not just about the trick. The Vlog follows me (John Fitzsimmons) and my family as I pursue my dream as a professional magician. Listed below are the basic guidelines I set for the FitzMagic Show. I will post 1 video everyday Each video will be posted my midnight Each video will feature ...the performance of a new trick (magic, stunt, sideshow, prank…) Guest performers are allowed 12 “wildcard” episodes for the year. (Pre-recorded show for unexpected life events) NO SPOILERS! (My intent is to entertain with magic on this channel, this is not an instructional magic channel.) Some rules are meant to be broken Want to get social? YouTube - Facebook - Twitter - Instagrham - Website - Email - vlog@ The music used in this vlog was purchased through
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