Medieval Fantasy/Dungeon Synth from France.
✸ Quest of the Elf’s scrolls (2022) ✸
1. Introduction theme : A smell of adventure 00:00
2. Ambient theme : Welcome to Lutanaria’s land 04:18
3. Character theme : Goofie, the intrepid elf 07:59
4. Ambient theme : Enchanted inner woods 08:55
5. Battle theme : Scholars of the illusory 12:33
6. Boss theme : Arcanos, sorcerer of the old banished woods 15:41
7. Reward theme : First scroll (Air) 19:49
8. Rest theme : Wound’s healing 20:15
9. Ambient theme : Dusk rain 22:31
10. Ambient theme : A benediction from the ancient elves 26:04
11. Ambient theme : A solemn visit 27:40
12. Travel theme : Heading to the Crimson desert borders 29:51
13. Battle theme : Trolls ambush 33:44
14. Boss theme : Grobabé, Troll’s king 35:17
15. Reward theme : Second scroll (Sand) 38:20
16. Rest theme : Evening meditation 38:52
17. Ambient theme : A mysterious celebration 41:43
18. Ambient theme : Monolithic ritual 44:24
19. Tension theme : Clouds of grief 47:57
20. Boss theme : Behemot, Abomination of the astral world 50:05
21. Boss theme, Rosine, Chaotic godess of the Cosmos’s seas 52:50
22. Reward theme : Third scroll (cosmos) 57:37
23. (track from Malivorn) Rest theme : Floating around the Nebula 59:51
24. Credit theme (Good ending) : Leaving the lands of wonder 01:03:01
25. Credit theme (Bad endind) : Tears of a molten star 01:04:52
#Helmet #dungeonsynth #InTheWoods
Helmet is a solo musical project born in early 2021 trying to create a fantasy, medieval atmosphere specific to the RPG of the last two decades.
Track 23 by Malivorn of Eldergleam
Artwork by Eric Weber.
Composed and recorded by Philémon Weber.
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