In this video, join me as I finally reveal the tiniest 486 computer I built from scratch, complete with a custom 3D printed mini case and monitor! This project, over two years in the making, showcases the highlights of my journey, from its conception to the unique components that make it tick. With its Intel 486DX4 100Mhz processor and genuine retro hardware, this little machine is a dream come true for space-conscious retro gaming and computing fans. Discover how I created this miniature marvel and explore more retro tech content on the channel!
#Tiny486Computer #RetroGaming #retrocomputing
0:00 - Intro
0:37 - Background
1:15 - Main parts
1:49 - The Monitor
2:28 - Monitor Assembly
4:22 - Preparing to Build the Computer
5:50 - Building the Computer
11:18 - The Assembled Case
11:42 - Preparing to Install Software
12:08 - Installing Windows 95
12:33 - Windows 95 Demonstration
15:29 - Windows Demonstration
16:30 - DOS Demonstration
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