Weather events around the world June 17, 2022: Storm Blas, fire in Arizona and more

Overview of weather and natural events around the World. What is happening in this world: natural disasters on the planet of Earth. The latest news about weather events and disasters. 0:08 - Wildfires continue in the US state of Arizona. The area of ​​fire has increased over the past day. Strong winds and a long absence of rain contribute to the rapid spread of fire. In addition to the fire near Flagstaff, a new bushfire broke out near Contreros. The area of ​​this fire is 7800 acres at the moment. Fire brigades and aviation are involved in extinguishing a new fire. 1:27 - Tropical Storm Blas has formed over the Pacific Ocean off the southwest coast of Mexico. The center of the storm is located 400 km from the city of Acapulco, Guerrero. The storm is moving along the coast of Mexico and will not make landfall. Despite this, it brought heavy rains to the states of Guerrero, Michoacán and Oaxaca, causing flooding. The authorities urged residents of potentially vu
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