Why ’Gilded Age’ Star Denée Benton Says Shaving Off Her Hair Made Her Feel “Unstoppable“ | PEOPLE

The ’Gilded Age’ star Denée Benton admits that in the past she was “never brave enough” to wear the lacquer lip that she rocked for PEOPLE’s Beautiful Issue, but now says, “I might become a red-lip lady! It’s such a power boost.” The actress also shares how she’s starting to feel more beautiful with age: “I think it has a lot to do with maturing... coming into my queerness, coming into different parts of myself I was feeling stifled in. The more I do, the more I can feel beautiful in any space and have more courage to look the way I want to show up.“ Subscribe to People ►► #DenéeBenton #TheBeautifulIssue #PEOPLE Catch up on the latest celebrity news, top stories and more: PEOPLE goes behind-the-scenes with our cover stars for exclusive stories and in-depth interviews:
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