Hit the like button, and please subscribe! In early September, Johnny C & I spent an afternoon doing follow-up to our last trek into the same area 2 weeks earlier, and once again discover enormous tracks! THEN, I take Sushi the Adventure Dragon for a trip down to a nearby island on the Clark Fork river, to search for Sasquatch signs in an area with no night access and a LOT of deer! ALSO, I retell the epic origin story of the FOUKE MONSTER HUNTER and how mild mannered delivery driver William Lunsford first started on the road to becoming the fearless Bigfoot researcher he is today! SWAG/ME
...RCH/GOODIES available at: THIS SHOW IS VIEWER FUNDED! TO JOIN the noble and exalted ranks of this shows co-producers, send aid to: . To CONTACT DUKE, EMAIL AT: worldbigfootcentral@. JOIN MY FB group, MONTANA BIGFOOT PROJECT or my MeWe group, WORLD BIGFOOT CENTRAL. SUB ME on BITCHUTE, RUMBLEShow more