Call of Juarez Gunslinger full song without trailer sound effects!

Hi guys, here’s everyone’s beloved Gunslinger Silas Greaves trailer song, but without annoying gunshots and all that. Enjoy! Lyrics below. You’ve heard a lot of stories about the terrible legends of the Wild West, Billy the Kid, the Dalton Brothers and Jesse James Well, here’s a song about the gunslinger who those bad boys have heard of This is the story of Silas Greaves There are men who fear legends But a man legends fear He’s the four-holstered reaper Cryin’ bullets for tears When a drought comes in Justice Bullets make good rain When the heart ache has dried out Only blood heals the pain There’s a time for greavin’ And a time to just pray There’s a time for forgivin’ But it’s not for today You can hide sins from the gavel You can drown them in rum When Silas Greaves find you, There’s nowhere to run And time goes too slowly For the gunslinger’s eye Till he’s buried his promise There’s no time to cr
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