Anti-War Animation Film I When the Wind Blows (1986) I Retrospective

In this hand-drawn animated tale, elderly married couple Hilda (Peggy Ashcroft) and Jim Bloggs (John Mills) have their quiet, simple lives in the English countryside interrupted when they learn of an impending nuclear attack. Not completely understanding the gravity of their situation, Hilda and Jim react archaically and insufficiently after the attack -- and the film takes a dark turn as the radiation begins taking its toll on the unsuspecting couple. Film: When the Wind Blows (1986) Director: Jimmy T. Murakami Writer: Raymond Briggs Cast: Peggy Ashcroft, John Mills, Robin Houston Music: David Bowie, Roger Waters, Phil Collins, Hugh Cornwell, Chris Difford, Glenn Tilbrook, Tony Banks, Mike Rutherford Production Company: Meltdown Productions, British Screen, Film Four International, TVC London, Penguin Books Follow us on Instagram Click the link below to check out our high-quality Cinema-inspired gifts and merchandise. For more classic movies and clips, subscribe to Retrospective: Licensed from: MVD
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