A Frequent Occurrence (1914-1918)

’A Frequent Occurrence’. Belgian troops 1914 - 1918 fighting from Ramscapelle trench; Pervyse Station and Cathedral shelled and King George V visits front in France. Titles read: ’Pathe’s Animated Gazette - The LEADING BRITISH ANIMATED JOURNAL Seen by More than 20 Million People. The Sections of this film dealing with the National Crisis have been passed by the British Board of Film Censors.’ Intertitle: ’FREQUENT OCCURRENCE - First aid in the trenches near Ramscapelle’. Belgian soldiers in shallow trench firing rifles. Barren, bleak countryside around. 2 soldiers carry a wounded comrade away. Intertitle: ’OFF DUTY. Belgian soldiers after fighting for eight days, seize their opportunity to have a much-needed shave’. 2 Belgian soldiers get shaves. CU of one of the men getting his face lathered by soldier barber. Intertitle: ’PERVYSE STATION FORTIFIED. The smoke seen issuing from the ground is from an underground kitchen.’ Pan across devastated, bombed railway line and small station of Pervyse. Few
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