SIGN THE PETITION HERE: READ THE PROPOSED BILL HERE: This is NOT about religion - it’s about subterfuge, craftiness, apostasy and Masonic Treachery and Genocide on a national level. Why?  The Church and State are inexorably welded together under the doctrines of the Protestant faith and theological practices of the Church of England. To Disestablish one means that both are gone“ It’s like milk in tea - once it’s in then you cannot throw one aspect out without throwing out the other!“ Do you really want therefore THE DISESTABLISHMENT OF ENGLAND AND WALES along with no further place to be Christened, married, be buried, or as a prisoner receive religious services or counselling?  The proposed closing of 16,000 places of worship in England and Wales, 12,500 of which are classed as Historical Relics, means an irretrievable loss of the history, religion, society, beliefs and religious practices which make England what it is. NOT ENOUGH? Under the definition of Genocide,  “The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention), 1948“  states: Article II: Definition of Genocide: Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group. Why the Synod of the Church would allow this Bill to even be tabled without protest, why the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (Ex Big Oil, BP), and his side-kick the Woke hired Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin, are not protesting naked on the streets, simply exposes the entire circus for what it plot to degrade and disavow the belief in Christ, God and religion, and introduce a full Islamic repossession of the Churches territory and following that a further step downwards to full Luciferian installation of The Devil’s Diktats. Furthermore, why no referendum and democratic choice is being allowed and no media discussion is allowed further shows the smoking gun on intent. It amounts to a genocidal attack on the social fabric of the country, its people and traditions. Be under no doubt this is a plot to deprive the people of the soul of their country and render it an atheistic, communist, debauched heathen playground for the “Totalitarian Tip Toe To Tyranny“ the full introduction of a moral quagmire, with no right to personal religious freedom or spiritual support.  Get off your butt, contact me and together we’ll  Stop It Now (SIN) SIGN PETITION HERE SIGN PETITION HERE Freeman Legal Services Website: ——————————————————————————————————
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