Kilmaine Saints - Idiom

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “Away-0, away-hey-0 take me from this shite that I know Away -0, away-hey-O, carry me away today-O. Every day we toil away but we can’t catch the wind in our sails Get out of a jam but the water o’er the dam, Keeps coming back it’s too hard to bail. One day at a time, if I only had a dime For all the time it hasn’t worked for me. And it’s such a fine line ‘tween getting ahead and falling behind, Reality and fantasy. CHORUS Life isn’t fair, we’ve got crosses to bare So go ahead drive a nail just for kicks. Who are you gonna call when it all hits the wall, The hotline “There’s no Quick Fix”? So I raise my glass (half full my ass) It’s looking half empty to me. And it’s not about the cash, got friends, a place to crash It’s what’s happened to humanity. Get away, keep at bay, miss the boat, go astray Find the place where waters flowing, ‘Cause when the going gets tough (the tough get going) CHORUS Tween a rock and hard place, put on your happy face Act like it’s no big deal Keep up with the rat race, strike one for the home base But don’t let them know how you feel Fit in at any cost and do it like a boss Be sure to obey all the signs. If survivals for the fittest then (hand me another Guinness) ‘Cuz I don’t wanna walk a straight line. CHORUS from Whiskey Blues and Faded Tattoos, released July 31, 2017 Music and Lyrics: L. Mallin“
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