UK, Vaccine injuries
The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS)
Admin workers, 4 up to 80
20 fold increase
Increasing demand for Covid vaccine injury payments
A project, to digitalise application process
If you’re severely disabled as a result of a vaccination against certain diseases,
you could get a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000.
This is called a Vaccine Damage Payment.
You can also apply for this payment on behalf of someone who has died after becoming severely disabled because of certain vaccinations.
You could get a payment if you’re severely disabled and your disability was caused by vaccination against any of the following diseases:
• coronavirus (COVID-19)
• diphtheria
• haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
• human papillomavirus
• influenza, except for influenza caused by a pandemic influenza virus
• measles
• meningococcal group B (meningitis B)
• meningococcal group C (meningitis C)
• meningococcal group W (meningitis W)
• mumps
• pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 (swine flu) - up to 31 August 2010
• pertussis (whooping cough)
• pneumococcal infection
• poliomyelitis
• rotavirus
• rubella (German measles)
• smallpox - up to 1 August 1971
• tetanus
• tuberculosis (TB)
You may also be able to get a payment if you’re severely disabled because,
your mother was vaccinated against one of the diseases in the list while she was pregnant
What counts as ‘severely disabled’?
Disablement is worked out as a percentage, and ‘severe disablement’ means at least 60% disabled.
This could be a mental or physical disablement,
and will be based on medical evidence from the doctors or hospitals involved in your treatment.
The Hausfeld Claimant group
A group of patients and families are now taking legal action against AstraZeneca,
after they suffered injury or bereavement as a result of complications from the Covid vaccine.
13 bereaved families, and 28 survivors,
“Vaccine Induced Thrombocytic Thrombocytopenia”
Consumer Protection Act 1987,
argues that the AstraZeneca vaccine was “defective”,
in that it was not as safe as individuals were entitled to expect.
VITT is now established as causatively linked with the AstraZeneca vaccine. (Hausfeld)
(18% case fatality rate)
Freedom of Information (FOI) March 2023
4,017 claims, submitted since Nov 1 2021.
Payment scheme taken over by NHS Business Services Authority in November 2021
Of the 4,017 claims made,
334 relate to a claimant who has died.
‘Balance of probabilities’
Patient’s medical records,
“all scientific evidence”
Rishi Sunak
“We are taking steps to reform vaccine damage payments schemes by modernising the operations and providing more timely outcomes, but of course I’d be happy to talk to the honourable gentleman further about it.”
Mrs. Sheila Ward
Stephen, 57,
Oxford AZ in March 2021
Mr Ward had no pre-existing conditions
Headache after a few days
Taken to hospital, treated for stroke
Bleeds and clots on his brain
Coroner’s certificate, vaccine as one of the causes
“For anyone who has been left with a lifelong disability or young children, it simply wouldn’t be enough to replace somebody’s income.”
Ms Spit
“The [60 per cent disabled] criteria is a really big [issue],
because there are so many people just left with nothing after being severely injured,
and have life-changing disabilities,
‘well you’re not interested enough’
Note, and limiting the spread of the virus that causes it.
Groups recommended for vaccination
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19.
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