She NEVER thought she could sing in public (UNTIL NOW)

I asked random people to sing in New York City (Herald Square), and that’s where I met Quiora on her way home from school. At first, she took interest in singing. Then she started to get nervous. Other high school kids encouraged her to take the opportunity to sing. So I helped her find a song, and we started singing! As a musician, I’m all about creating musical experiences that have people feeling happy and free, and that’s why the “Sing With Me for Free“ series exists. Since 2018, I have asked thousands of random people to sing with me on camera. A lot of people have said no, some have said no initially but changed their minds to yes, and some have said yes right away. I ask these people to sing with one purpose: to create a way for them to experience a sense of happiness and freedom they did not feel before. And much of the time, this actually works (and that makes ME happy). ► Join the Patreon channel for behind the scenes content:
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