UNITED KINGDOM: Swindon Bath and West show (1957)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit SWINDON: BATH AND WEST SHOW: Full Description: AGRICULTURE. The Bath and West Show held at Swindon shots prizewinning of farming implements etc. also shot of Radio Controlled Tractor in action drawing a team of oxen drawing an 18th Century plough of milking machine of flailing wheat 18th century fashion.. BATH AND WEST SHOW The Bath and West Show held at Swindon for shot prizewinning of farming implements etc. also shot of Radio controlled Tractor in action drawing a a team of oxen drawing an 18th Century of milking machine in of flailing wheat 18th Century fashion. SWINDON. The Bath and West Show staged shots of livestock shots of display of Ag
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