(Lyrics & Voiceovers are in CC!) This is my contest entry for HellerUpdates on twitter - Occasion is the birthday of our dorky older Winchester. He deserved better and I tried to make this video uplifting so we all know he’s happy with Sam & Cas in heaven now because thats my headcanon.
The video focuses mainly on the relationship Dean has with Sam and Cas and the way they showed him that there is something worth living for, that Dean is the one they’ll love and support despite everything he’s done. They love him for the person he is and Dean finally got it into his thick head around 15x19 until 15x20 came and ruined it all. so. ’re up to mischief in heaven now, I’m sure.
thumbnail is made by my lovely bean:
#DeanWinchester #Supernatural #TeamFreeWill #Destiel #Spn
All material aint mine and is used for creative purposes.