Hi Guys! I’m back with another tune of mine called “Paul Position“. I wrote it some days after receiving this wonderful Baritone Guitar from Bacci. I apologize in advance for the poor video quality but I recorded it years ago when we couldn’t see each other in person. If you are wondering why it’s called “Paul Position“ it’s because I was inspired by one my favourite players, Mr. Paul Gilbert! You may recognize some of his signature licks on the solo section ;) Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe!
Stefano India - Bass
Giuseppe Bruno - Drums
Song by Matteo Mancuso
Mixed and Mastered by Vincenzo Mancuso
Video by Filippo Silvestris
Publishing: Neuma Edizioni, Mascot Records
#bacciguitar #matteomancuso #guitar #guitarist #bacci #originalsong #musician #guitarsolo #baritoneguitar #powertrio