The Mandelbulb - 3D Fractal Tour in 8k

This is the Mandelbulb Set. A true 3D fractal. This is my first publication of a 3D fractal. There is lots of cool 3D fractal artwork out there, but I just found there isn’t many clean high-resolution renders of the basic fractals. So I went ahead and rendered it in 8k, so I could explore a little for myself. 8k is a somewhat ridiculous resolution at the current time, I probably won’t do it again. I hope you enjoy it. There is no such thing as a 3D Mandelbrot Set. (There is a 4D quaternion one, but it is only as interesting as the 2D version) That’s because there is no 3D equivalent of complex numbers. However many attempts have been made to create one, the Mandelbulb is probably the most well known. This is actually the “8th power“ Mandelbulb which is considered the standard one. It displays stretching and squishing in places, much like some of the non-analytic 2D fractals (Burning Ship, Celtic, Etc). Please note: If you search YouTube for “Mandelbulb“ you will mostly get fractal artwork that is
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