Rarity wants to become more Kawaii! || 可愛くなりたい [by 凡他困]

[Bilibili repost] referenced 00:30 s2e9、s6e3、s6e22 00:40 newspaper fluttershy from s2e3 00:41 Rarity drew on a paper a design from s8e17 00:47 Photo Finish’s make-up artists s1e20 01:13 mane 6 costumes from Grand Galloping Gala s1e16、e26 01:52 designs from s5e16 ---- Subscribe for weekly (or more) uploads from within the Chinese Internet! YouTube is not accessible from within China, and navigating the Chinese internet is hard if you don’t speak Chinese. I upload quality short videos (mostly animation, mostly pony), with translations and context. Here is a spreadsheet of some vocabulary you might use to surf and understand Bilibili. Heavily pony-centered, of course. ---- Reuploaded with permission. Original title: 【小马宝莉手书】R
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