The New HSK Levels : 1-9 is COMING!! || What is 新中文标准水平 New HSK 2021? || Effect time: July 1, 2021

What is新HSK (HSK Level : 1-9) [the New HSK 2021] Standard of Chinese Proficiency Levels of International Chinese Education Effect time: July 1, 2021 || (The New HSK Standards) --- Hello, dear students. Download the information if you need it: --- 1. Name: [the New HSK 2021] 国际中文教育中文水平等级标准 國際中文教育中文水平等級標準 guó jì zhōng wén jiāo yù zhōng wén shuǐ píng děng jí biāo zhǔn Standard of Chinese Proficiency Levels of International Chinese Education (The New HSK Standards) -- 2. History: The Old HSK: Development began in 1984 at Beijing Language and Culture University and in 1992 the HSK was officially made a national standardized test. ---29 years -- 3. 生效时间-Effect time: July 1, 2021 -- 4. 与旧hsk不同的地方:The differences? 三个等次(3 main stages)各有三个级别(3 Levels) ,共有9级 -- 4. Vocabulary? Grammar Points? 新的HSK在词汇和语法点的不同。 干净hsk 3- hsk 1 开玩笑hsk 4-HSK 1 == 成为这个频道的会员并支持理查老师: 成為這個頻道的會員並支持理查老師
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