Felix The Cat Gets Revenge (1927)

Animation. One in the series of “Adventures of Felix the Cat“ catoons by Pat Sullivan. A young boy climbs over a fence and up a tree to steal an apple. A dog barks then runs after the boy. The boy jumps up and hangs off a tree branch but the dog jumps up and bites his butt. The dog is hanging on to the boys shorts and the boy is shouting: “Help!“. Felix is walking along and hears the boy. He sees what is happening, jumps on to the dog then they fight like cat and dog (!). Best bit is when Felix pulls his own tail off and hits the dog on the head with it. The dog is dazed and falls to the ground. Felix laughs, the boy jumps down and the two shake hands. The boy invites Felix to come and live with him. Felix agrees. The two leapfrog over each other then Felix jumps on the boys back and they run to his house. Felix stops to wipe his feet on the mat before he goes in. The door closes then there are signs that all is not well inside. Stars, puffs of smoke and the word “Bang“ appear, followe
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