“Confrontation“ comes from the 9th installment of the Princess Trixie Sparkle series. The alicorn Astelle pleads to Princess Luna to join her plan for revenge against Celestia, promising Luna justice and peace for what Celestia had done to her in the past. Will Luna turn against her sister for a second time?
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Lyrics: Magpiepony
Performed by: Magpiepony and Raechel Anderson
Mixing: PegasusPitchVA
Instrumental: “Confrontation“ from the musical “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde“
Animatic by the INCREDIBLY talented Luvlessi! Heap praises upon him ponies, he deserves it :D
The time has come to take your side
The choice is yours alone
In Tia’s shadow you can hide
With all her lies
The truth you’ve never known
Or come with me, embrace the dark
Unleash your nightmare half
Then by dawn’s light
We’ll set it right
We’ll make it so