0 (for radio) #90 _Silence molds such strangeness (Michael Pisaro)
_(0:00) 1. Intro / _(0:34) 2. Empty Words, Part III, composed by John Cage, performed by Sylvia Alexandra Schimag (Edition Wandelweiser, 2011) (excerpt) / _(4:40) 3. “oto” from imaoto, Radu Malfatti (trombone) /Klaus Filip (sine tones), (Erstwhile Records, 2009) (excerpt) / _(7:50) 4. “an angel passes” and “in morning” from saritote II, Taku Sugimoto (guitar, voice and composition) /Moe Kamura (voice) (Saritote disc ST 2, 2009) / _(9:00) 5. Adnos II (1983), Eliane Radigue (Table of the Elements, 2002) (excerpt) / _(12:50) 6. One12 (1992), John Cage, composer and perfomer / _(16:28) 7. “Schlaf”, “Innigkeit” and “Halbschlafphantasie” from 24 Wörter, composed by Jürg Frey, Regula Konrad (soprano), Andrew McIntosh (violin), Dante Boon (piano), (Edition Wandelweiser, 2014) (excerpt) / _(20:00) 8. A Sound Map of the Danube, Annea Lockwood, (Lovely Music, 2008) (excerpts) / _(23:15) 9. Some Kind of Emergency, Oswald Egger, poetry, Michael Pisaro (keyboard, translation, composition), Julia Holter (voice), (unreleased, 2013) / _(28:54) 10. “Agnus Dei I” from Missa Mi-Mi, Johannes Ockeghem, composition, performed by the Hilliard Ensemble (EMI, 1985) / _(30:15) 11. Experiences No. 2, John Cage, composition on a poem by e.e. Cummings, performed by Robert Wyatt (On Different Every Time, Domino Records, 2014) (excerpt) / _(33:30) 12. WOODSLIPPERCOUNTERCLATTER, Susan Howe (poetry, reading), David Grubbs (music, piano), (Blue Chopsticks, 2015) (excerpt) / _(36:20) 13. Orcus Pellicano, Jessika Kenney (voice, composition), Eyvind Kang (viola, composition), (from Aestuarium, Ideologic Organ, 2005/2011) (excerpt) / _(40:45) 14. Seven Short Pieces (I and VI) (2004), Laurence Crane, composition, performed by Apartment House (from Chamber Works 1992-2009, another timbre, 2014) / _(44:10) 15. “Station XIV: Jesus wird ins Grab gelegt” from Via Crucis, Franz Liszt, performed by Reinbert de Leeuw (piano, direction) and the Netherlands Chamber Choir (Philips, 1984) (excerpt)
from 0 (for radio): mixtapes, released October 9, 2009
selection, editing, mixing : michael pisaro
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