The Gewappeter Handt Formal Exercise for the Messer
Oberstich mit der Gewappeter Handt bricht Zornhau
(A thrust from above with the armed hand breaks the cut of wrath)
When someone hits you from the Roof with a heavy weapon, so displace with the armored hand and turn the point toward his face, then thrust him to his breast (Glasgow Fechtbuch fol. 26r).
Oberhengen bricht ein Oberstich vom der Gewappeter Handt
(The upper hanging breaks a thrust from above from the armed hand)
If he goes with the hilt as before and wants to thrust at your face with the armed point, wind your Messer against your left side so that the long edge is above and Indes lower your point to his chest and Indes push him firmly backwards with the thrust (Lecküchner fol. 48v).
(Changing through)
Then, another Durchwechseln: if you come to him in the Zufechten, set your left foot forward and hold the long point toward his face. If he strikes at your Messer from above or below and wants to strike it away or bind on it, Indes let the point go down through below, and thrust at him to the other side. You can do this against any strike (Lecküchner fol. 64r).
Demonstrators: Chris Bertell, Journeyman, and Chad Cordero, Apprentice.
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2 years ago 00:02:20 1
The Gewappeter Handt Formal Exercise for the Messer