Black Arrows Last Show (1960)

Black Arrows last show. Wattisham in Suffolk and Barcelona. Travel shot. from cockpit of Hawker Hunter of cloud formations. Air to air 11 Squadron climbing in formation. L/S The Squadron’s headquarters. M/S Interior Squadron leader Peter Latham briefing his men before they are due to fly to Spain for display. C/U One of the Pilots Roger Hymans of London. C/U Another Pilot Chan Biss of Australia. M/S moving aircraft on magnetic board explaining different formations. L/S Planes Taxing out to runway. L/S Pan the first wing of five taking off. M/S The second wing of four taking off. Travel shot from cockpit ground blow Air to air the Squadron flying in formation. Air view the airport of Muntadas in Spain. M/S Flags of different nations flying. L/S Crowd. Air to air the Squadron flying in line in front of camera and they start to perform the arrow head break a way. C/U Man in uniform watching through binoculars. L/S Pan. as four aircraft squadron fly low over the airfield crossing each others paths. C/U Sm
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