Getting Started with the SWEEP TOOL in Autodesk Fusion 360

In today’s tutorial, we’re going to talk about how to use the sweep tool inside of Autodesk Fusion 360 to create shapes along a set path. This can be especially helpful for creating objects with a profile that need to follow some sort of path in your models. When you first activate this tool, you’ll see that there are actually 3 kinds of sweeps you can do – single path, path guide rail, and path surface. The way this tool works is actually pretty simple – simply select a profile, or a sketch shape that you create, select a path, and use the sweep tool to extrude this object along that path. This works along straight paths like this curve, but it also works along curves that go in a 360 degree circle. For example, if this path went all the way outside the outside of a shape, we could select the entire shape and the profile would be extruded along the entire path. Notice that it merges back into itself where your object starts as long as you set your distance to 1. If
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