We have compiled 10 ROMANTIC wedding songs for a special wedding compilation. What’s your favorite love song? Let us know in the comments below👇
00:00 1. Yaroslav Karpuk sings ’Can’t Help Falling In Love’ (The Voice Kids Ukraine):
02:02 2. Jasmin v.s. Richard sing ’All Of Me’ (The Voice Kids Germany):
04:37 3. Connor sings ’You Are The Reason’ (The Voice Kids Vlaanderen):
06:31 4. Kate v.s. Paul v.s. Elha sing ’Your Love’ (The Voice Kids Philippines):
09:47 5. Maksym Komisarchuk sings ’Perfect’ (The Voice Kids Ukraine);
11:35 6. Oriana sings ’All Of Me’ (The Voice Kids Colombia):
13:02 7. Gala sings ’Make You Feel My Love’ (The Voice Kids Vlaanderen):