Great Misconceptions Of Me 1992 (Vinyl digitizing) *HQ*
“The night i was to record “The Great Misconceptions of Me”, i asked engineer to turn all the lights out in the studio. The only lights, that were left on were the lights from the equipment in the control room (which are mostly red). It created an eerie glow in the whole studio. I lowered the microphone and got down on my knees in the dark. I waited for the room to get quiet and then told him to “roll the tape”. I then sang the intro to “Misconceptions”. What you hear on the record today, is the first and only real take, that I did. I came in the control room and asked him, what he thought. He didn’t speak. He showed me the hairs still standing up on his arm. I guess it was OK!!“
© Blackie Lawless
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