Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu - Kondo Katsuyuki - 40th All Japan Kobudo Demonstration (2017)
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Demonstration by Kondo Katsuyuki Honbucho and his students during the 2017 40th all Japan Aikido Kobudo Demonstration at the Nippon Budokan.
-- Official presentation by the Kobudo association --
The Daito Ryu was openly taught for the first time at the end of the 19th century by Takeda Sokaku, however, the origin of this art dates back much further, probably about 900 years, originating with Minamoto Yoshimitsu. One of the key points in Daitoryu and the principle of “Aiki“ is to render the opponents attack powerless in an instant and to win without fighting.
The leader of this organization is Kondo Katsuyuki, one of the few high-ranking students of Takeda Tokimune, Takeda Sokaku’s successor and third son.
The Daito Ryu is famous for being one of the main base of Morihei Ueshiba’s Aikido.
-- Practitioners: --
Kondo Katsuyuki
Kondo Masayuki
Amano Shizuo
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5 months ago 00:02:38 1
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