TAKEO RETURNS- Chicken Pig Attack:
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Next Episode of SONG VOYAGE - Wednesday, February 8th! Come back to see us bumble around AUSTRALIA! // Takeo Ischi, the greatest Chicken Yodeler the world has ever seen, returns to the Internet with a new addition to the oeuvre of Chicken Yodeling.
Created by Portal A () and the Gregory Brothers
Starring the Gregory Brothers: Andrew Gregory, Evan Gregory, Michael Gregory, Sarah Gregory
Featured Artist: Takeo Ischi
Also Starring: Aoshi, Ichiriki Yamamoto, Narashino Seiryukutsu,
... Tekubi Ashikubi
Executive Producers: Nate Houghteling, Kai Hasson, Evan Bregman, Zach Blume, and the Gregory Brothers
Directed by: Dan Eckman
Written by: Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg
Original Song by: The Gregory Brothers ft. Takeo Ischi
Produced by Portal A
Co-Producers: The Gregory Brothers
Line Producer: Jeff Winkler
Associate Producers: Jenny Leaf, Brendan Nahmias
Consulting Producers: Meggie McFadden, D.C. Pierson
Director of Photography: Graham Sheldon
B-Cam/Sound/Swing: Rin Ehlers
Editor: Jeff Striker, Brad Allen Wilde
Assistant Editor: Jake Keller
Visual Effects Artist: Tanner Merrill
Graphics and Title Artist: Tess Hannel, Jake Keller
Special Thanks: Chikayo Morijiri, Daijiro Yamamoto, Ryuzo Tsutsui
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