One of military history’s great fascinations must be that of the big gun, and none were bigger then the V3 multi chamber gun, developed back in 1850 but never made functional until December 1944 when SS General Hans Kammler himself present ordered firing to begin towards Allied lines.
But that is not where the story of the super-gun ended, nor where it began. In this special projects episode I will visit the huge underground instillation in Calais, and the location in Germany from where the gun fired its first shots in anger. Also given the guns WW2 designer was the same as the create of the
...Röchling shell we visit one of the Belgian forts where it was secretly tested early in the war. To understand the true potential of the London Gun you have to see the damage the Röchling shell could do
And the story of the super gun does not end along with the second world war, it is actually still ongoing and Ill give you a little postscript of the guns possibly future.
But it is a fasShow more