Tsukihime Remake’s opening animated by Ufotable with the theme song “Seimeisen“ performed by ReoNa at Sacra Music. I made a one-hour version for music lovers.
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Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon, the remake of the 2000-released romance visual novel Tsukihime, will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch in summer 2021 in Japan, Type-Moon announced following the Fate Project New Year’s Eve TV Special 2020. The remake was originally announced in 2008.
∎ Staff
Scenario and Supervision: Kinoko Nasu
Character Design: Takashi Takeuchi
Art Director: Hirokazu Koyama
Direction and Script: BLACK
Graphics: Takao Sougetsu, Kaetsu, Shima Udon, Neko Sunatori
Script: Urushinohara
Program: Kiyobee
Music: Hideyuki Fukasawa, Keita Haga
Logo Design: Winfanworks
Theme Song: ReoNa “Seimeisen” (Sacra Music)
Opening Animation: Ufotable
Planning and Production: Type-Moon
∎ Cast