Virgil Donati – Dotted 8th Notes Equals Three 16ths (Course Preview)

This is the first of six lessons included in Virgil Donati’s course. Watch the full course now with your Drum Channel membership! 👉 --- Join Master-Drummer Virgil Donati as he explains and explores his advanced system for developing Rhythmic Facility. In this new course, Virgil offers an in-depth analysis of how a dot affects the value of a note as well as the way it forms the groundwork for understanding more complex polyrhythms and how it can be used to create syncopated, hypnotic rhythms. 👉 --- Virgil’s drumming has arguably been at the leading edge for many decades, with his accomplished compositional and orchestration skills also gaining recognition. Never one to seek approval or security, he has maintained an introspective, independent mind, transcending traditional boundaries, always alert to the possibilities beyond the norm. At the age of 16, Virgil turned pro to enable him
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