4.1 configuration of SAFE Operation Part 2: Monitoring spaces, reference pos, velocity mon.
enables you to prepare your robot and application for the safety acceptance test. Thereby you can considerably reduce the commissioning time, as you can visualize all needed SAFE Operation configurations in the simulation.
In this video – the second of 3 parts – we start with a
0:00 Disclaimer about SAFE Operation in
and then explain the
0:34 Configuration of a cartesian protected space
1:24 Configuration of a cartesian work space
2:00 Configuration of a axis-specific space
2:44 Configuration of the SAFE reference position
3:14 Configuration of the axis monitoring
3:39 Configuration of the velocity monitoring
In the first video of this sequence we showed how to activate SAFE Operation in and how to configure the cell area, the safe tool and the TCP.
In the third video we describe how you
- Export to the project to WorkVisual
- Activate and simulation with KUKA Stop Services
Please consider that:
• This video is not a substitute for the contents of the product documentation (see below) or the course Safety start-up Safe Operation in the KUKA college
• The functions are demonstrated using an exemplary application; the configuration and values must be adapted according to the respective customer application.
• All configurations made in must be verified in and tested on the real robot system. For this purpose, the safety instructions in the product documentation must be followed, and the compulsory safety acceptance test must be carried out.
For more information read the documentations in 6.0“,“useExpertQuery“:0}
In this video sequences following product packages were used:
• 4.1
• 3.6
• WorkVisual 6.0