Inside-out Freddy isn’t real, he can’t hurt you (Five Nights at Freddy’s)

This animation is based on a scene in The Twisted Ones (one of FNaF’s trilogy of novels) where we get a view inside the chest cavity of a Freddy variant. The models I made myself based on the descriptions you get in the book (there are official designs for the Twisted, but they aren’t very much like what is described, even with the hallucinations). There are two versions of the Twisted ones; most fanart shows the groteque-fleshy-monster side of them, while these are meant to be the bare-bones animatronics. The sound effects in this animation are the combined noises from a bicycle, a clunky doo...rknob, the frantic opening and closing of cabinet drawers, a running shower, and a mattress.
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