Christmas decorations made of crepe paper are recommended with the warning: “be sure it’s fireproof“.
A little girl stands on a table while her mother shows her various decorations. The girl helps her mother put sweets in tiny baskets - she eats one in the process. Wine glasses are decorated with ribbon. There is a shot of the Christmas dining table which is packed with glasses, serviettes, decorations etc.
“Cut out dollies with interchangeable dresses“ are demonstrated. Mother shows daughter the doll. They dress it together (nice sequence). Mother stands on a step ladder and the daughter passes her a decoration to hang in an archway (this is very obviously a stage set). Child jumps up and down and claps her hands in excitement. The decoration is probably mistletoe as the mother picks up the girl and gives her a kiss. (Very sweet shot).
Safety print exists.
Was probably an Eve’s Film Review item rather than Pathe Pictorial.
Note: this is a very cute mother and daughter f