Doom 32X Resurrection 60Hz

Doom 32X Resurrection is primarily the work of Victor Luchits. I help out where I can. The primary thread for D32XR is here: Current state of Doom 32X Resurrection for the Sega 32X. Features: low and high detail video (three resolutions for low detail, two for high detail); selecting between no music, VGM FM music, or playing music from attached Sega CD (requires Sega CD in addition to 32X); save ram support - keeps track of finished levels, health, armor, weapons, and ammo - ten save slots as well as an auto-save at the end of each level; has all Jaguar levels (when the binary is made using Jaguar Doom, along with sprite directions and monster in-fighting; when made with the original Doom 32X, has the same limitations on levels and sprites and monster in-fighting; rendering has been spread across both SH2 processors for better speed - you also get three drawing modes (called detail mode in the menu) - the regular sector based lighting (althoug
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