Speedway GP has some interesting Fights. Speedway Riders sometimes go wild and start fighting.
The Fight between Scott Nicholls and Emil Sayfutdinov was very aggressive.
The Fight between Sam Masters and Nicki Pedersen was out of control.
The Fight between Rory Schlein and Grigory Laguta was carless.
The Fight between Greg Hancock and Nicki Pedersen was like in WWE.
The Fight between Chris Holder and Nicki Pedersen was like a ticking bomb.
0:00 Scott Nicholls vs Emil Sayfutdinov
1:13 Sam Masters vs Nicki Pedersen
2:11 Rory Schlein vs Grigory Laguta
3:05 Greg Hancock vs Nicki Pedersen
4:02 Chris Holder vs Nicki Pedersen
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