Метод боя Собаки. Редкий стиль собаки. Кунг-фу/ The Dog Style (Gou Quan) kungfu

Rare, ancient dog style Many schools throughout China have a variety of ground fighting methods. This is the kind of art known as Gouquan and Dishuquan. This is a very rare boxing method in China. Based on low kicks, ground strikes and chin-on based wrestling. Dog kung fu is a branch of the larger martial arts systems. The Dog Style (Gou Quan) is the sister style of the White Crane, developed around the same time as the White Crane, also in Fujian. The tradition is said to have originated in southeast China’s Fujian Province, where a group of Buddhist nuns created methods of combat and survival in those troubled old days. In some ways it is similar to Brazilian jiujitsu. At the moment, the style may be in oblivion.
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