Near Kleshcheevka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces no longer have the strength to hold their positions. The remnants of the battered

Near Kleshcheevka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces no longer have the strength to hold their positions. The remnants of the battered units are moving back . For two months, the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed its best units here. The political desire to strike a blow in front of the world community turned out to be disastrous. The high offensive potential of the Ukrainian Armed Forces collided here with the resilience of the Southern Group of Forces. Most of the contract and highly motivated personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units laid their bones for the possession of the ruins of Kleshcheevka. Graveyards of equipment have formed everywhere. The brigades were replenished with TrO military personnel and “lucky” mobilized ones. At this time, the first echelon of the maneuver defense of the Russian Armed Forces was strengthened with ever new units of equipment, evacuation and rotation sites were targeted so much that now artillerymen often hit with the first shot, and UAV operators fly to “points” with their eyes closed. Further advancement, despite serious meat injections from the Ukrainian mobilized, turned out to be simply impossible. The task of “gaining a foothold” has become impossible for them. Many choose to give up and live, some reach five hundred, the majority remain in the ground. Well, we move forward, burning out dugout after dugout. Источник: Slavyangrad
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